Love, Activism, and The Art of Flirting!

I realise I am an activist of love. I grew up with a mum who was always, and still is, involved in political activism including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and supporting the NHS. It meant that as a child I was working at jumble sales to support Amnesty, helping to deliver leaflets or going on marches.

My Mum invited family members, refugees, girls who were lost and pregnant and people with problems to live with us. It was a big house with many people living in it. But there was always a lot of dancing, cups of tea and chatting. I grew up in Battersea with people popping in and out of each others houses and I danced every day with my neighbour Esther or created dances with my sisters. Community was such a big key to how everything worked. As a teen I was interested in philosophy and politics and going on marches and meetings and in my twenties got into Green politics and creativity.

Now I feel my activism is my passion to support people (and myself) to heal and unburden their hearts and learn how to express themselves with freedom and creativity.

I regularly teach the beautifully deep communication method “Bridging” which literally opens the heart in an extraordinary way. I feel I came to it on Saturday in a new way with more presence and spaciousness because I have been meditating daily and listening to Eckhart Tolle’s “Stillness Speaks” and also Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet”.

Somehow both are helping me to honour my different feelings that come up in connection whether that is pushing, or wanting or grief or competition or kindness and give room for them all. It’s the space and the pause that now seems such a big key for me. And it might give me the room to see people in a whole different way maybe with more gratitude.

I feel that it’s such a large journey but I also do feel that it can feel pretty scary to reach out to others and connect. So I also love to teach flirting workshops where o help people to be supported to dare to understand how to warmly understand. Of course flirting is a deep skill of opening up and the first point is about opening up to yourself, your life, your sensuality, your pleasure and your community and then learning how to connect with others in different ways. I know for myself I could be quite binary and wish to push for connection and I am learning that people need different styles of relating to open to me or others.

I’d love to share this feature of mine in Psychologies magazine with you! The piece is all about “The Art of Flirting” and how we can use flirting not just as a romantic tool, but as a way to connect more deeply with those around us.

In the article, I talk about how we can send the right signals, be present in the moment, and really savour the journey of connecting with others. So often, we hold back because we’re afraid of being vulnerable, but there’s something magical about opening up, even in the smallest ways, like a smile or a simple hello.

If you’ve ever felt a bit nervous about stepping into your own power when connecting with others, I hope you’ll find some inspiration in the tips I’ve shared. I’m all about making flirting fun, easy, and authentic—no games, just real connection. Pick up a copy of Psychologies and check it out. I’d love to hear what you think!

It’s something I’ve always been passionate about teaching—helping people step into their confidence, let go of fear, and enjoy the process of communicating from the heart.

If you’re looking to dive even deeper, I’m regularly involved in hosting wonderful events. It’s the perfect time to reflect, grow, and prepare for a fresh new year. Whether it’s about love, connection, or self-discovery, I’d love to see you there and support you on your journey.

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