The last good date you had was in your mum’s Christmas buffet? Your relationship puts the ‘meh’ in ‘Remehmber when we were happy?’? Your sex life is so dry the Sahara mocks you?
Then you need help, dear friend.
And that’s where The Love Twats come in.
Well, not them exactly. Hosts Guy Lloyd (presenter, comedian and professional show-off) and Bibi Lynch (writer, interviewer and broadcaster) are useless at the dating/love/sex/relationships stuff – Guy is divorced (and, uh-oh, currently dating a woman way out of his league) and Bibi’s last relationship ended the day after Diana died – but they really want to learn — and their expert guests will help them. And you.
The Love Twats is a live podcast recorded in front of a wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully pretty crowd at The Actors in Brighton.