Festivalling Fun: Edinburgh Fringe

Summer has finally graced us here in the UK, and I’m embracing every moment of it. The long, sunny days are perfect for spending time with ourselves and our loved ones, soaking in the warmth and joy that this season brings.

I am in the midst of preparing for festival-ling this summer, hopping from Brighton to the vibrant streets of the Edinburgh Fringe. I just love getting my dose of comedians. The way they play with language and audiences inspires me and (would you believe it) gives me so many flirting tips! I always feel that if we can bring humour and warmth to relationships, it can build a safer container.

As a therapist, I love going on courses and learning about new ways of dialoging and opening up. I also realise that humour is a big player in opening up the field. As Bananarama would say,

“It Ain’t What You Do, It’s the Way That You Do It.”

It’s also the way that you say it. That’s what gets results. When people feel attuned to it can actually create deep intimacy and closeness. When we fall out with people or relationships, one of the greatest pains can be that we don’t know the story, and we don’t know what really happened or why the relationship didn’t work in the way we might’ve liked. Though, I am finding out that if two people are available for this, there is a possibility to create the right listening space to really know what is happening between you.

I am learning (in my own slow way) to really listen to people and what they say, without offering advice (unless asked for of course). I am also learning to receive help and advice from others.

For example, I swam a little too far out to sea this week, and was rescued by a Lifeguard! He had to ask several times if I needed help before I would accept, as (by instinct) I kept politely declining – though I certainly needed it. The experience taught me that ‘graciously receiving’ is a gift to both parties, as he was very happy to help me, “Isn’t it great we look out for each other?” he said. Wasn’t that so adorable and sweet, especially when he saved me and I wasn’t in a position to save him, but he was happy to save me. It just showed me how we all interact and flow with each other in such different ways that fit perfectly at different times, which fit perfectly if we can ‘allow’ it or if we can ‘receive’.

August is a beautiful time time of year I am really enjoying swimming in the sea and decluttering. I hope you are able to connect with others, experience new things, and find moments of peace and reflection amidst all the activity.

As we enjoy this beautiful season, let’s make the most of the time we have, both with ourselves and with those we care about. I hope to meet many wonderful people at upcoming workshops and to share wonderful experiences together.

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